DNA contig assembly
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DNA Sequence Assembler v3

Network Edition

DNA Sequence Assembly - Network edition










DNA Baser Master


DNA Baser Client


Troubleshooting and support




Advanced topics



Setup details for DNA Baser v2 users.




Clients and masters

DNA Baser Network Edition has two components/applications: the master and the client(s).

The client application is the real/productivity application that you use to assemble sequences. The master application is the one that delivers the license key to the clients. Most of the time, the master is laying dormant. You have to interact with it only once, after purchase.

For convenience, we will name the computer on which the Master program is running, the 'master computer' and the computers on which the clients are running the 'client computer(s)'. The users that are using the DNA Baser client application are called 'clients'.


How it works

When a client starts the DNA Baser Client, it connects to the master (via the local network) and it asks for a key. In response, the master 'borrows' a license key to the client IF available and decreases the number of total keys with one. If the master has no key available, the client will not be able to acquire a key and therefore it will not work until a user that already uses the software closes its software and thus releasing the key for other users to use.

How it works-client/master




DNA Baser Network Edition setup (summary)

To install and run DNA Baser in your network you need to perform the following steps:

  • Download and install 'DNA Baser Setup Network Master' in your designated master computer
  • Download and install 'DNA Baser Setup Network Client' in your designated client computer(s)
  • Start DNA Baser Master application
  • Enter the key to unlock the software
  • Start DNA Baser Client application(s) and start your work (assembling your sequences)

These steps are detailed here. Don't skip any of them!


DNA chromatogram assembly
contig assembly software
 Copyright Heracle BioSoft SRL, Romania 2020